Dr. Surmacz receives Catalyst Grant
Dr. Surmacz is part of a research team that has received a Pearson Catalyst grant to conduct a study aimed at improving the study skills of students enrolled in introductory biology classes. The project,Learning to Study Smart, will investigate the effectiveness of study strategies that aim to improve metacognition, study behaviors, and performance. This is accomplished by introducing a series of videos and surveys as training modules to develop deep processing skills. The project, approved by BU's Institutional Review Board, involves students from 5 colleges including community colleges, a comprehensive 4-year university (BU) and large research universities (public and private.) Dr. Surmacz's collaborators include Dr. Graeme Lindbeck, Valencia College; Dr. Christine Davis, Florida State University; Dr. Jamie Jensen, Brigham Young University; and Dr. Kimberly Murphy, Austin Community College.