CoST Research Day

The College of Science and Technology hosted Research Day on April 7, 2017 in McCormick Human Services Center. This event celebrates a year of achievement  in the research laboratory and an opportunity for students to present their results for discussion and feedback. Following opening remarks by Dean Aronstam, Dr. Jennifer Whisner, Department of Environmental, Geographical, and Geological Sciences, presented the keynote address on Undergraduate Research-the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. BAHS students were well-represented at Research Day with 27 student presentations! Student poster presentations were evaluated by a team of judges, including BAHS faculty emerita Dr. Margaret Till. The following BAHS students received rewards for their poster presentation: first prize, Lauren Chamberlin, third prize: Kurt Jeffreys, and honorable mentions Haley Kravitz and Madison Aungst. Thank you to Dr. Coleman for serving on the CoST Research Day Committee. 

 The following students in Dr Klinger's Biology Seminar class presented posters on historical figures in American biology;
Nicholas Apfelbaum: Charles Otis Whitman 
Aubrey Cole: The life and impact of John Michael Bishop 
Samantha D'Antonio: The father of Angiogenesis. 
Joseph Domanski. An investigation into Stanley Prusiner's Life
Tim Fedor: Paul R. Ehrlich 
Fioni Fludd: Barbara McClintock and the Jumping Genes
Troy Koch: A;exander Agassiz: A master of engineering, zoology, oceanography, and embryology 
Kayla Lavella: Historical figures in American Biology: Donald Johanson, Disocoverer of Austrlopitheus afarensis. (mentor: Dr. Klinger)
Ali-reza Mobaraki: Linus Pauling (mentor: Dr. Klinger)
Mallory Tomaschik: The lie and impact of Kary Mullis (mentor Dr. Klinger)
Alex Trezza:: Haldan Keffer Hartline (mentor Dr. Klinger

The following undergraduates presented research posters:
Madison Aungst: The effects of deltamethrin on sublethal stress in honey bees (mentors: Drs. Surmacz and Hranitz)
Jerome Betz III: Construction and evaluation of mutagenized avenic acid/iron phytosiderophore transporter gene AvsYSi Sal (mentor: Dr. Davis)
Lauren Chamberlin: Investigating the presence of synapsin in Human sperm (mentors, Drs. Coleman and Venditti)
Andrew Denisenko: The search of salivary biomarkers for mild traumatic brain inquiry (mentor: Dr. Bell, Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Elliott Fackler: Investigating the biological function of wood turtles (Glytemys inscuplpta) on the Pine Creek Rails -to Trails. (mentor: Dr. Franel, EGGS)
Olivia Falko: Expression of G protein gamma subunits in CHO cells (mentor: Dr. Schwindinger)
Kyle Gainard: Effects of thiamethoxam on cellular stress in honey bees (mentors: Drs. Surmacz and Hranitz).
Haley Kravitz: Targeting Gng5 and Gng1 expression and calcium signaling in Chinese Hamster Ovary cells (mentor: Dr. Schwindinger)
Joshua Petersheim: Heat Shock protein 70 levels in Hone bees exposed to Thiacloprid, a neonicotinoid pesticide (mentor: Drs. Surmacz and Hranitz)
Dan Steinhauser and Ryan Sullivan: Trace Metals in coal contaminated alluvial soils (mentor: Dr. Ricker, EGGS)
BrieAnna Stauffer: Using landmark morpometric  to test sexual dimorphism in the trilobite genus Walliserops from the Devonian Morocco (mentor: Dr. Gishlick. EGGS)

The following graduate students presented posters:
Sean Hartzell: Treasures in the cabinet: A case study in the value of a small institutional natural history collection, and call for collaboration. (Mentors: Drs.Corbin, Hranitz, and Klinger)
Kirk Jeffreys: Investigation of inhibitory signaling on synaptic vesicle cycling in the earthworm neuromuscular synapse (mentor: Dr. Coleman)

Oral thesis proposal presentations were delivered by the following master's students:
Corey Conville: Copmarison of Macroinvertebrate bioindicators to ecosystem function across a gradient of agriculture imparitment (Drs. Corbin, Hranitz and Rier)
Alex Hoke: Effects of termperature and sex on newt (Notophthalmus viridescens) Escape behavior (Drs. Corbin, Hranitz and Rier)
Brad Ohlinger: Innate flower color choice and color constancy behavior in solitary and social bees (Dr. hranitz, Klinger and Davis)
John Poling: Effects of arsenic and thimerosal on the learning and memory of zebrafish. (Dr. Klingerman)

Scenes from Research Day......

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