Need research funds?
Donald D. Rabb Biology Research Award provides funds for undergraduates who are pursuing a major in the Department of Biological and Allied Health Sciences (BAHS) to purchase
supplies for conducting research. The fund was established in honor of Dr. Rabb, faculty emeritus and former
BAHS chairperson, who retired in 1984. Applicants do not need to enroll
in Research in Biology (Biology 390) for biology credit in order to receive funding. However, students must
have a BAHS faculty as a research mentor. Up
to $200 may be awarded and can be used to purchase research supplies and travel
required to conduct research. Please see your research mentor for additional information and applications. The deadline to apply for this semester is Friday, February 10 at 5 pm. Applications may be submitted to Dr. Surmacz, 146 Hartline ( )