Housed in Columbia Residence Hall, Science and Health Science Living-Learning Community Room, first floor (room 119)
Review Sessions at ABLE:
A & P I: 2/23: 5:00-6:00pm for Lecture Exam 1
A & P II: 2/14: 1:30-2:30pm Cardiac Cycle Workshop
2/23: 4:00-5:00pm for Lecture Exam 1
Concepts in Biology I: 2/16: 4:00-5:00pm for Lecture Exam 1
Tutoring Sessions:
Tri-Beta, the Biology Honor Society, will provide tutoring in ABLE for Concepts in Biology; A & P; Human Biology; Cells, Genes, and Molecules; Ecology and Evolution; Cell Biology and Microbiology each Wednesday from 6:00-7:00pm.
Faculty and GA Office Hours in ABLE/Faculty office cubicle. Come visit us! Bring your lecture guides, books, and materials with you!
Monday 9:00-9:50am Mr. Alex Hoke (Concepts in Biology, A&P)
Monday 2:00-3:00pm Prof. Heitzman (Concepts in Biology, A&P)
Monday 3:00-4:00pm Mr. Alex Hoke (Concepts in Biology, A&P)
Monday 4:00-5:00pm Ms. Krystan Mackert (A&P)
Tuesday 9:00-11:00am Mr. Sean Hartzel (Concepts in Biology)
Tuesday 11:30am-1:00pm Mr. Brad Ohlinger (Concepts in Biology)
Tuesday 2:00-3:00pm Dr. Amin (A&P)
Wednesday 9:00-10:30am Ms. Stephanie Buczkowski (A&P)
Wednesday 11:00am-12:30pm Mr. Brad Ohlinger (Concepts in Biology)
Wednesday 2:00-3:30pm Mr. John Pohling (A&P)
Thursday 9:30-11:00am Mr. John Pohling (A&P)
Thursday 12:00-1:00pm Dr. Nolt (Concepts in Biology)
Thursday 4:00-5:00pm Dr. Surmacz (Concepts in Biology, A&P)
Friday 9:00-9:50am Mr. Alex Hoke (Concepts in Biology, A&P)
Friday 2:00-3:00pm Ms. Stephanie Buczkowski (A&P)
What is ABLE?
ABLE, short for Academic Biology Learning Environment is a resource area in the Science and Health Science Living-Learning Community Room on the first floor in Columbia Residence Hall.
What is the purpose of ABLE? ABLE provides a place and resources for students in introductory biology courses to study individually and in groups together and with faculty.
What is available at ABLE?
Learning Resources: Bones and skeletons; biological models (hearts, kidneys, muscle, bones, brains, blood vessels, eyes, ears, etc); manipulatives for studying complex processes (protein synthesis, inheritance, cell division, etc.); charts and posters; computer software; and more!
Microscopes and slides from lab courses
Books and workbooks
Faculty: Many faculty members of the Department of Biological and Allied Health Sciences will hold office hours at ABLE. See attached list.
Tutoring: Tutors from Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society and University Tutorial Services.
Review Sessions: Review sessions for A & P and Concepts in Biology.
Computers: Two computers with anatomy and histology software are available.
When is ABLE open? ABLE is open 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Monday – Friday. Evening and weekend access will be announced.
Who Has Access to ABLE? ALL students enrolled in Concepts in Biology I, Anatomy & Physiology I and II. Access is currently through the back door to Columbia off the basketball court. If you find it locked, you may enter by calling the Living Learning Community phone (X2833) in the Columbia Residence Hall vestibule. YOU DO NOT NEED TO LIVE IN COLUMBIA OR ON CAMPUS TO USE ABLE. PLEASE SIGN-IN WHEN USING ABLE RESOURCES.
ABLE is supported by a Bloomsburg University, TALE Center faculty grant.