Dr. Beishline publishes research in Oncotarget

Dr. Kate Beishline
Dr. Kate Beishline, assistant professor, has published an article in the peer-reviewed, biomedical journal Oncotarget with colleagues from Wistar Institute. The article  entitled "Elevated telomere dysfunction in cells containing the African-centric Pro47Ser cancer-risk variant of TP53."  appears in the June 4, 2019  issue.

Here is the complete citation for Dr. Beishline's article: Check it out!

Tuton S, Deng Z, Gulve N, Vladimirova O, Beishline K, Wiedmer A, Murphy M Lieberman PM. Elevated telomere dysfunction in cells containg the African-centric Pro47Ser cancer-risk variant of TP53. Oncotarget. 2019 Jun 4;10(38);3581-3591.

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