Research and Scholarship Grants were awarded to BAHS faculty

Dr. Kristen Brubaker

Congratulations to Drs. Kristen Brubkaer, Lauri Green, Cindy Surmacz, John Hranitz, and Jennifer Venditti-Roadarmel who received  Research and Scholarship Grants from the Bloomsburg University Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. 

Dr. Kristen Brubaker, Expression study of acute alcohol tolerance-associated genes jwa and hangover in Apis mellifera (Western honey bee)", $2680

Dr. Jennifer Venditti
Dr. Lauri Green, BAHS: "Differences in the foraging and reproductive success of Tree Swallows (Tachycienta bicolor) across natural and artificial wetlands", $3132

Drs. Cindy Surmacz and John Hranitz, Assessing Sublethal Stress in Honey Bees Exposed to "Bee-friendly" Neoniciotinoid Pesticides", $3500 

Dr. Jennifer Venditti-Roadarmel, BAHS: "Evaluating alpha-L-fucosidase Activity and its Potential Role in Reproduction Using Zebrafish (Danio rerio)", $3500
Dr. John Hranitz
Dr. Lauri Green

Dr. Cindy Surmacz

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