Image result for autumn free clip artBAHS Elective Offerings-Fall 2015

Biology 200         Dendrology                        Dr. Chamuris

Biology 233         Human Genetics               Dr. Hansen

Biology 332         Genetics                              Dr. Ardizzi

Biology 333         Molecular Biology             Dr. Schwindinger

Biology 343         Immunology                       Dr. Brubaker

Biology 364         Vertebrate Histology        Dr. Corbin

Biology 445         Pharmacology for the      Dr. Schwindinger

  Health Sciences               

Biology 474         Human Physiology            Dr. Hansen

Biology 489.01. Current Topics in Biology       Dr. Klingerman

 (Animal Behavior)  

Biology 489.02   Current Topics in Biology     Dr. Surmacz

(Type 2 Diabetes)

Biology 571.01   Endocrinology                   Dr. Venditti
 All of the above courses count as electives for both biology and health science majors with the exception of Dendrology. Dendrology may be used as an elective course for students enrolled in B.S. or B.A. Biology, B.S. Biology, environmental biology, and B.A. Biology, natural history.

 *Undergraduate seniors needing less than 18 credits to graduate can apply to take Endocrinology as a biology or health science elective (PRP 3449 Interested students should pick up an application from the Biology Department office. Completed applications must be returned to the Biology Department office by May 1. Please meet with your advisor prior to completing an application. Minimum pre-requisites include completion of Cell Biology (Biology 271). Endocrinology is scheduled for  Monday and Wednesday from 6-7:15 pm, so make sure to leave room in your schedule. If you have any questions about the course, please contact Dr. Venditti.

Physiology offerings:

Biology 474         Human Physiology.         Dr. Hansen

Biology 479         Integrated Physiology.   Drs. Williams and Coleman

Graduate Courses:

HealthSci   545   Pharmacology for the      Dr. Schwindinger

  Health Sciences            
Biology 589.01   Current Topics in Biology    Dr. Klingerman

(Animal Behavior) 
Biology 589.02   Current Topics in Biology    Dr. Surmacz

(Type 2 Diabetes)

Biology 571.01   Endocrinology                   Dr. Venditti

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