Fall Elective Offerings
Plan ahead! The following elective courses are planned for Fall 2018.
Biology 200 - Dendrology, Dr. Chamuris
Biology 212 - Veterbrate Zoology, Dr. Hranitz
Biology 233 - Human Genetics, Dr. Chamuris
Biology 333 - Molecular Biology, Dr. Davis
Biology 343 - Immunology, Dr. Houston
Biology 364 - Histology, Dr. Corbin
Biology 445 - Pharmacology, Dr. Schwindinger
Biology 475 - Human Physiology, Dr. Hansen
Biology 477 - Plant Physiology, Dr. Williams
Biology 431/531 - Developmental Biology, Dr. Hansen
Biology 452/552 - Limnology, Dr. Rier
Biology 4/576 - Neurophysiology, Dr. Coleman
Biology 489/589 - Current Topics in Biology - Hormones and Obesity
Biology 489/589 - Current Topics in Biology - Medical Genetics