BAHS students attend SICB meeting
Sean Hartzell |
Cody Pavlick |
Dr. Surmacz and Joshua Petersheim |
Hartzell, SM, Pitt, AL, Davis S, Rier, ST.
Invasive rusty crayfish (Orcnectes rusticus) are more active diurnally than
anativer congener (Orconectes limosus)
Ohlinger,BD, Klinger, TS, David GT, and Hranitz, JM. Innate Flower Choice and Flower Constancy in a Solitary Bee and a Social Bee.
Brad Ohlinger, Josh Petersheim, Dr. Hraniz, Cody Pavlick and Sean Hartzell |
Reveals Competitive Release for a
Generalist Pollinator.
Petersheim, J, Llewellyn HJ, Surmacz CA, Hranitz, JM. Motor Responses in Honey Bees are Impaired Following Exposure to
Sublethal Doses of Imidacloprid.
Bradley Ohlinger |