Internship Experience for Medical Imaging Majors
BAHS medical imaging majors gained valuable experience with various imaging technologies during internships at Geisinger Health System. Intern Ashley Wilkins reports: "I have been able to see so much in the Radiology field. I have observed general diagnostic radiology, MRI, CAT scan, and ultrasound. I have seen x-rays of different body parts, especially of the chest. I have also seen numerous MRIs of the brain and spine and CAT scans of the chest and abdomen. Lastly, I have seen many pregnancy ultrasounds. My favorite part of the internship is being able to start learning early. I definitely recommend this internship to other students. It is a great way to become more familiar with the type of environment you will work in during your career. It is also a jump start to your learning, because you get to see so much and you have the opportunity to ask questions. " Intern Xiang Liao states . "I learned how to position patients, collimate ...