Sarah Buckley directs summer camp at state park

Senior Sarah Buckley, a biology major in the natural history option, served as Adventure Camp Director at White Clay Creek State Park in Newark, Delaware. This day camp featured a different theme each week, including Adventure Rangers, Mines and Minerals, Outdoor Adventure Skills, Stream Splashers, and Camp Awesome. Sarah led all sorts of fun activities and crafts, incl uding hiking, fishing, nature programs, games, and most famously at White Clay: tubing and creek exploration! Sarah reports that the campers were thrilled that White Clay Creek was able to hold summer camps this year in light of COVID-19. While camp looked a bit different with new safety measures in place, the kids and counselors had no less fun! Sarah shared that the camp director position taught her valuable life skills during just five weeks of camp a nd "I've made so many memories that it was hard to leave at the end of the summer! "