Fall Semester College of Science and Technology Research Day

The college of Science and Technology hosted an informal Research Day on Thursday, December 5 in Hartline Lobby. Below is a glimpse of the many poster presentations:

Taylor Bozza and Rachel Nensteiel  shared their research on neonicotinoid pesticides that are less harmful to honeybees.

Derek Bussey and Melissa Parsons presented research  on Type 2 Diabetes that they conducted in
their Current Topics in Biology Course. 

Adrian Gonzalez, Courtney Margarvich and Elizabeth Neifert conducted research that compared diabetes prevalence and risk factors in Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties, home to Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, respectively.

Aryana Sumpson, Comfort Nyesuah, and Nour Haj Mabrouk's poster explored the relationship between diabetes, poverty and education in Pennsylvania Counties.  

Kate Freeman presents research conducted on bird window collisions on campus as part of her Ornithology class.

Kayla Sompel explains her cancer research conducted in Dr. Hess's lab.

Kayla Somlep presents research  in collaboration with Dr. Gishlick, EGGS, on "Ossification Patterns in the Forelimbs and Hindlimbs of Ratites Suggests Multiple Flight Loss."

Ben Paul and Kayla Davis present research on the influence of nature trails on bird communities
that they conducted as part of their Ornithology class.

Dalton Snyder and Matt Srednicki  pesented their work on owls that they
conducted in collaboration with Dr. Clay Corbin

Madison explains her research to Mike Facella. 

Iam Whiteside and Alex Pasculle present  work they conduced with Kyle Flannery
that explores trends in diabetes and obesity in urbanized Pennsylvania Counties.

Alex Schaeffer, Justin Heller and Rodelin Duteste's poster explores the influence on poverty
 and educational attainment on diabetes prevalence.  

Sarah Gibson discusses her work on ring-necked pheasants with Dr. Wood

Vitoria Nery presents her work on BORIS expression on Telomeres that she conducted in
 Dr. Beishline's lab in collaboration with Ian Whiteside. 

Hannah Anderson discusses her work on West Nile Virus conducted in Dr. Hranitz's lab.

Graduate student Kyle Flannery and Gina Basile present a poster 

Auriora Tamblin, Casey Theurer and Allison Jenkins presented a poster that explores
 diabetes prevalence in Native American populations. 

Joey Kingston and Amanda Auelenbach, members of the Current Topics course,  investigated how education and urbanization correlate with  diabetes prevalence.

Mackenzie McDowell's poster explores bird foraging behavior in open fields. 

Samantha Maywald presented and update on her thesis work on West Nile Virus.
Dr. Corbin is her thesis advisor.
Noah Hess and Rodney Koch present research they conducted as part of their Ornithology course.

Jacquelyn Formosa presents her pilot study of mitochondrial DNA variations in tree swallows nesting in artificial wetlands.
Sandhya Bhatti, Faith Varner-Bruno and Devin Shaw presented their research
 results on poverty and diabetes rates. in minority populations.

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