Drs. Hess earns promotion

Dr. Angela Hess, BAHS Department chairperson Dr. Angela Hess , department chairperson, was recently promoted to the rank of professor. Dr. Hess earned her Ph.D. in Anatomy and Cell Biology with a focus on Molecular Medicine from the University of Iowa. At BU, she teaches Anatomy and Physiology I and II, Introduction to Nutrition, Medical Terminology, and Cancer Biology. Her research explores the molecular mechanisms of melanoma development and has involved both undergraduate and graduate students. To support this work, Dr. Hess and her students have garnered research grants from the the Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania University, Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society, Bloomsburg University, and the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education. Her students have presented their results at the College of Science and Technology's annual Research Day and at many regional and state conferences. Dr. Hess and Dr. Venditti were instrumental in acquir...