Tri-Beta hosts Notheast District 2 Convention

The BAHS chapter of Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society hosted this year’s annual Northeast District 2 Tri-Beta Convention on Saturday, March 23, 2019 in Hartline Science Center. Tri-Beta is an honor society for students dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological sciences and extending the boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. The chapter welcomed nearly 100 attendees from 14 regional colleges and universities including Cedar Crest College, College of Saint Elizabeth, Drew University, Elizabethtown College, Hood College, Ithaca College, Johns Hopkins University, Lincoln University, Misericordia University, Moravian College, St. Lawrence University, St. Mary's College of Maryland, The College of New Jersey, Moravian College, St. Lawrence University, St. Mary's College of Maryland, The College of New Jerse...