Sean Hartzell discovers crayfish color variant

BAHS instructor Sean Hartzell has observed a bilaterally partitioned color variant of an an Appalachian Brook crayfish ( Cambarus bartonii bartonii ) in Fishing Creek in Columbia County. This is the first report of this coloration in this species. Similar color patterns have been observed in the papershell crayfish and the American lobster. Professor Hartzell hypothesizes that possible explanations for this bilateral coloration include a during embryonic development and bilateral partition of primary and secondary sex characteristics. Professor Hartzell's discovery has been published in the Canadian Field-Naturalist. Sean Hartzell (2017) A bilaterally partitioned colour variant of an Appalachian Brook Crayfish ( Cambarus bartonii bartonii ) from Eastern Pennsylvania. Canadian Field-Naturalist (131(4): 335-337/