Kyle Mausteller awarded Tri-Beta Research Grant

Kyle Mausteller Congratulations to Kyle Mausteller who has been awarded an undergraduate research grant by the Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society Research Foundation. Kyle's project is entitled "Investigating the Role of Subtelomeric CTCF in Telomere Replication." Dr. Kate Beishline , assistant professor, is his research mentor. Kyle is a senior majoring in biology, pre-medical science and minoring in psychology and chemistry. He is a member of the Bloomsburg University Honor's College. Kyle is president of the Bloomsburg University chapter of Tri-Beta and the service chair of the Pre-Medical Sciences Club. Kyle was selected to participate in the Primary Care Scholars program at Penn State School of Medicine . He volunteers each semester on the Medical Surgery Floor at Geisinger Bloomsburg Hospital. In addition to Tri-Beta, Kyle was inducted into Phi Kappa Phi, the interdisciplinary honor society, and Sigma Pi Sigma, the physics honor society. He is a Board of G...