BAHS Students Practice Interview Skills

Fifteen BAHS students spent the afternoon on November 3 brushing up on their interview skills at Tri-Beta's MOCK INTERVIEW sessions. Students had the opportunity to have two interviews conducted by faculty. This was great preparation for interviews for medical imaging and laboratory science clinical programs, professional schools, graduate schools, and jobs. Following the interviews, students and faculty met for a debriefing to discuss the interview process and to enjoy some snacks. Student participants were Madison Aungst, Heather Beattie, Jamie Davis, Daniel Deignan, Nathan Feiertag, Dhir Gala, Lindsay Gehman, Joseph Kennard, Elizabeth Kester, Ben Paul, Samantha Romania, Michaela Roth, Erin Smith, Max Strickland , and Rachel Sullivan. Faculty interviewers were Dr. Bell from Chemistry and Biochemistry and BAHS faculty members: Drs. Beishline, Hare-Harris, Green, Kipe-Nolt, Coleman, Schwindinger, Wood, Klinger, Brubaker, Williams, and Surmacz. The event was hosted by T...