Tri -Beta Members Present Reseach

The Bloomsburg University Chapter of the Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society was well represented at the Annual Northeast District 2 Convention at Cabrini College on Saturday, March 28. Attending were Adam Kulp, Brendon Juengst, Alan Belles, Jessica Willis, Dr. William Coleman and Dr. Cindy Surmacz. The chapter received awards for the largest delegation and for traveling the most miles! The convention is a forum for Tri-Beta Chapters from throughout the district to meet for a day of poster and oral research presentations, a key note lecture, and opportunities to engage with fellow members. BAHS student presenters, their mentors,, and the titles of their presentations are listed below. Brendon Juengst and George Davis. An investigation of the putative Fe3+ transporter from oats. Adam Kulp, William Coleman, and Jennifer Venditti. Synapsin I is enriched at the equatorial segment of capacitated human sperm. Jessica Willis and William Coleman. Evaluation of the calc...