Jacob Morton receives Dr. Margaret Till Physiology Award

Dr. Margaret Till, professor emerita and former department chairperson, established a physiology award to be granted to a junior or senior who is currently enrolled or has successfully completed at least one senior physiology course and integrated physiology lab. Candidates must write an essay describing the impact of physiology on their career. A $250 cash award and a plaque is presented to the student award winner. This year's recipient is Jacob Morton . Jake, a biology, pre-medical sciences major, was the Historian and Vice-President of Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society. He has been named to Who's Who Among Students in Colleges and Universities. He conducted research with Dr. Surmacz on the effects of temperature on the cellular stress responses of blackworms and presented his work at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences. Jake will attend dental school at New York University. Congratulations Jake!