
Showing posts from 2015

Jacob Morton receives Dr. Margaret Till Physiology Award

Dr. Margaret Till, professor emerita and former department chairperson, established a physiology award to be granted to a junior or senior who is currently enrolled or has successfully completed at least one senior physiology course and integrated physiology lab. Candidates must write an essay describing the impact of physiology on their career. A $250 cash award and a plaque is presented to the student award winner. This year's recipient is Jacob Morton . Jake, a biology, pre-medical sciences major, was the Historian and Vice-President of Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society. He has been named to Who's Who Among Students in Colleges and Universities. He conducted research with Dr. Surmacz on the effects of temperature on the cellular stress responses of blackworms and presented his work at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Sciences. Jake will attend dental school at New York University. Congratulations Jake!

Dr. Stephen Schell Scholarship Recipients Named

Shaidy Moronta Katherine Hawkins and Justin VanDerMolen Dr. Stephen E. Schell, MD (BS Biology, 1975), a board certified otolaryngologist and graduate of Temple University School of Medicine, has generously established an award to assist pre-medical science students in preparing for osteopathic or allopathic medical school. The Dr. Stephen Schell Scholarship provides funds of $300 - $500 to help defray the cost of a preparatory course for the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT).   Receiving the 2015 Dr. Stephen Schell Scholarship are   K atherine Hawkins , Shaidy Moronta , and  Justin VanDerMolen.  Katie, Justin and Shaidy are all B.S. Biology, pre-medical science majors. Congratulations!

Biological and Allied Health Science Scholarhip

The Biological and Allied Health Sciences Scholarship, begun in 2004, is funded by donations from alumni and faculty The scholarship supports Biology and Health Science majors who are currently sophomores or juniors and have completed 12 credits in biological science courses at Bloomsburg University. Two scholarships of $250 are awarded. The recipients for the 2015-2016 academic year are biology majors  Shaidy Moronta and Jonathan Perez .  Shaidy is the Vice-President of the Student Organization of Latinos, a member of the Multicultural Advisory Board, and has achieved level 2 certification in Leadership Engagement. She has received a Board of Governors Scholarship and a  Dr. Stephen Schell Scholarship. Shaidy has participated in Geisinger Medical Center's Jan Plan for pre-medical science students and the Summer Medical Dental Education Program. Active in the BU community, Shaidy is involved in SHARE tutoring, the Maroon and Gold Band, Odyssey of the Mind, ...

Outstanding Senior in Allied Health Award

Myrle Newcomer, the recipient of the Outstanding Senior  in Allied Health Award, at work at her clinical site at  Robert Packer Hospiral. Myrle Newcomer  was selected as the 2014-2015 Outstanding Senior in Allied Health Science based on her academics, leadership, and community involvement. Myrle will graduate summa cum laude at the end of summer 2015 with a degree in Health Science, Medical Laboratory Science. She has been named to the Dean's List each semester.  Myrle has received an Academic Trustee Scholarship, the American Society for Clinical Pathology Siemens’ Legacy Scholarship, and the James E. Parsons Microbiology Scholarship. She received a  Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society Freshman Academic Award for   outstanding achievement during her freshman year. Myrle was inducted into the  Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society as a junior and into the Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society. While on campus, she was a biology tutor and a member of Devel...

Katelyn Garbrick is awarded the Dr. James E. Parsons Scholarship

The Dr. James E. Parsons scholarship was established by Dr. Parsons, retired microbiology professor emeritus, who coordinated the department’s medical laboratory science program for many years. The scholarship supports Biology and Health Science majors who are currently sophomores or juniors with preference given to Medical Laboratory Science majors.  This scholarship for $630 was awarded to Katelyn Garbrick for the 2015-2016 academic year. Katelyn serves the community as a member of Developing Ambitious Student Leaders and as a volunteer for Mission Central. She is also active in her church youth group. Katelyn plans to become a medical laboratory scientist. Congratulations Katelyn !

Dr. James Cole Scholarship Awarded to Tiffany Mulligan

The Dr.  James E. Cole Scholarship was established in 2003 by Dr. James Cole, professor emeritus and former chairperson of the Department of Biological and Allied Health Sciences. Dr. Cole was instrumental in establishing allied health programs in the department. This scholarship of $540 supports medical imaging majors.  This year's recipient is  Tiffany Mulligan . Tiffany, a resident of Seward, PA, is a member of the Science and Health Science Living and Learning Community.  As a member of Developing Ambitious Student Leaders, she has been involved in a variety of community service activities. Tiffany served on BU's Homecoming Committee and helped to plan and organize the Homecoming Parade. She is also a volunteer at the Danville SPCA. Tiffany plans to become an X-ray technologist and eventually a radiation therapist. As evident in her photo at right, she enjoys anatomy and physiology! Congratulations Tiffany!

College of Science and Technology Honors Symposium

BAHS students were recognized at the annual College of Science and Technology Honors Symposium on April 20. Congratulations to the following award recipients:                                         Honor Graduates:   Summa Cum Laude :   Myrle Newcomer Magna Cum Laude :   Katherine Hawkins,  Brendon Juengst,  Ashley Kerstetter,  Angela Lynch C um Laude:   Katlin Aunkst,  Heather Cleary,  Ashlin Fields,  Sean Hartzell,  Adam Kulp, A manda Norcini, A lexandra Savidge,  David Strawn,  Noelle Verosky Scholarships & Awards Katelyn Garbrick James E. Parsons Microbiology Scholarship Tiffany Mulligan James E. Cole Scholarship Jonathan Perez & Shaidy Moronta Biological & Allied Health Sciences Scholarship Jacob Morton Margaret Till Physiology Award Myrle Newcomer Outstanding Sen...

Celebrating Student Success

Congratulations to Biology and Allied Health Students who earned a GPA of 3.5 or greater, completed 12 or more credits, and were named to the Dean’s List for Spring Semester 2015. Great job! Biology BA Marcus Roberts, Natural History Lauren Semenas Biology BS Brandon Arnsberger, Pre-Medical Science Emily Ashberry Carrie-Anne Barry, Pre-Medical Science Allison Bleistein, Environmental Biology Lauren Chamberlin, Pre-Medical Science Sara Clemens, Pre-Medical Science Jamie Davis, Pre-Medical Science Daniel Deignan, Pre-Medical Science Kira England, Environmental Biology Brooke Esbenshade, Environmental Biology Elliott Fackler, Environmental Biology Olivia Falko, Pre-Medical Science Nathan Feiertag, Pre-Medical Science Bryce Foster, Environmental Biology Haley Giannone, Environmental Biology Brendon Juengst Chad Klinedinst, Environmental Biology Kurt Knepley, Pre-Medical Science Nathaniel Kresge Jordan Kropf, Environmental Biology J...

BAHS Alumna Feature-Sarah Monaco

Sarah Monaco , B.S. Biology, spring 2012, graduated on May 15 with a M.S. in Neuroscience from  Drexel University College of Medicine.While at BU, Sarah conducted research with Dr. George Chamuris on  basidiospore  germination and bark texture preference of bark-inhabiting fungi . At Drexel, Sarah's thesis was entitled " GSK3β influences NMDA receptor expression by regulating β-catenin abundance in prefrontal cortical neurons" and was under the direction of major advisor  Dr. Wen-Jun Gao. Sarah shares the following about her experience:   As a neuroscience master's student at Drexel University College of Medicine my research focused on cell signaling pathways relevant for cognition, with a particular interest in schizophrenia. I utilized primary neuronal cultures, pharmacological treatment, and Western blotting techniques to: 1) elucidate the sequence of events in a cellular signaling mechanism 2) determine what leads to NMDA receptor expression ...

BAHS Faculty at the Bloomsburg Middle School Science Fair

Bloomsburg sixth graders shared their passion for science at the Bloomsburg Middle School Science and Technology Fair on May 14, 2015.  All projects were based on questions posed by the students, used scientific methodology, and required problem solving skills.   Topics ranged from the amount of bacteria on socks to the effects of playing video games on pulse and blood pressure.  Serving as volunteer judges were Drs. Angela Hess, Jennifer Venditti , and Cindy Surmacz . Ms. Carrie Hoover , sixth grade teacher and BAHS alumna, organized the event.

Dr. James Cole named Honorary Alumnus

Dr. James Cole was named Honorary Alumnus by the BU Alumni Society at their annual spring alumni awards ceremony. Dr. Cole, professor emeritus in the Department of Biological and Allied Health Sciences, served the University for 33 years. Dr. Cole was a former department chairperson and was at the forefront of establishing allied health programs in the department. He endowed the James E. Cole scholarship that provides support to a medical imaging student. Congratulations Dr. Cole! Conngratulations to Dr. James Cole, honorary alumnus, pictured at center.

Tri-Beta Hosts Senior Celebration

Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society bids farewell to graduating BAHS seniors at an ice-cream sundae reception in Hartline. Congratulating outgoing Tri-Beta President Adam Kulp are incoming officers for the 2015-2016 academic year: President,  Chris Bastardi ; Vice- President, Kahli Castagnera ; Secretary, Jean-Nicole Place ; Treasurer, Natalie Mayo ; and Historian,   Kira England.

Pre-medical Sciences Club Updates

The Pre-medical Sciences Club had a very successful year that included guest speakers, workshops, trips, and numerous service activities. At right, Eric Elliott and Katie Hawkins , raise funds to support the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life. The club's relay team raised $587 to support the programs of the American Cancer Society. Club members who attended the relay were   Katie Mullen, Sean DeAngelo, Tyler Grubb, Jessica Peters, Jon Perez, and Ali-reza Mobaraki.  The club recently held a get-together to celebrate the end of a successful year. Thank you to all outgoing officers for a job well done!  Best of luck to graduating seniors. Picking up the reigns are next year's officers:  President- Katie Mullen;   Vice President- Vince Yaeger ;  Treasurer- Jessica Peters;  Secretary- Jon Perez ;  Public Relations- Alex Trezza . Dr. Joseph Ardizz i is the club's advisor. 

Congratulations Spring 2015 BAHS Graduates

BAHS salutes its spring semester graduates at a reception for graduates, family, and friends immediately following commencement on May 8, 2015 (a warm day!) Thanks to Biology and Allied Health Club and Tri-Beta for hosting this event! B.A. Biology Meagan Beakler Sierra Fortunato Rachel Koch B.A Biology/Natural History Kelly Deguzman Alexis Eisenhart Sean Hartzell   B.S. Biology Erin Cannaday Katherine Geissinger Brendon Juengst Kenneth Kirby Adam Kulp Ashley Wagner Erick Wahlman   B.S. Biology/Environmental Biology Caitlin Dickson Bryce Foster Lisa Francis Brooke Shea   B.S. Biology/Molecular Biology David Strawn   B.S. Biology/Pre-medical Sciences Christopher Asimos Martina Drew Katherine Hawkins Ali Hussain Jacob Morton Samantha Rodrigues Julio Valencia-Velez Sandra Zelonis   B.S. Health Sciences Ashton Hassoinger Matthew Kendra Logan Lesher Sean McLaughlin Amanda Norcini Josie Pervola   B.S. Health Sciences/ Medical lab science M...

Outstanding Senior in Biology Award

Katherine Hawkins, 2014-2015 Outstanding Senior in Biology Katherine Hawkins is the recipient of the 2014-2015 Outstanding Senior in Biology Award. Katie, a biology, pre-medical sciences major and chemistry minor, graduated magna cum laude. Katie plans to attend medical school. She has gained health care experience during an internship at Susquehanna Valley Medical Specialties Family Practice and a clinical rotation called Jan Plan at Geisinger Medical Center, Danville, PA. This summer she is conducting clinical research in the Department of Urology at Geisinger Medical Center. Katie is a campus leader serving as the president of the Pre-medical Sciences Club and the secretary of Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society. Her outstanding achievements have been recognized by a host of honors and awards including dean’s list each semester, selection for membership in The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, the Phi Kappa Phi Outstanding Freshman Award, the Dr. Stephen Schell Scholarship, and recog...

BAHS Honors Program Graduates

Brendon Juengst (left) and  Bryce Foster (right) don their honors program stoles at the Senior Honors Program Brunch.        Brendon Juengst and Bryce Foster recently completed the requirements of the University Honors Program. The University Honors Program focuses on academics, service, and community.  Students are required to take a a variety of special honors courses, complete two semesters of Honors Independent Study in which they engage in original research under the guidance of a faculty member, and become involved in the community through service projects.        Bryce's Honors Thesis investigated "The Differences in Foraging Behavior and Predation of Small Mammals in Human Populated Environments Compared to Wilderness Events." His research mentor was Dr. Marianna Wood.        Brendon's Honors Thesis was "An Investigation into a Putative Fe³ᶧ Transporter from Oats." Dr. George Davis was his mentor. ...

BU hosts 24th Annual Health Sciences Symposium

The 24th Annual Health Sciences Symposium focused on the theme "Dying and Death: End of Life Issues." The keynote address was delivered on April 23 by Dr. F. Daniel Davis, Director of Bioethics, Geisinger Health System. He spoke on "Dying and Death: They Ain't What they Used to Be.  Controversies Surrounding the Definition, Experience, and Medicalization of Dying and Death." Dr. Davis also led  a workshop entitled "Bioethics: An Open Forum"  on April 24. The Symposium included a Wellness Fair with over 40 booths featuring health screenings and wellness information. Among the many concurrent sessions was a presentation entitled "From Bloomsburg to Biotech: A Primer and Guide to a Career in the Pharmaceutical Industry" by BU alumni Henry J. Riordan, Ph.D., Executive Vice President Medical and Scientific Affairs Global Clinical Lead for Neuroscience Worldwide Clinical Trials and Gene G. Kinney, Ph.D., Chief Scientific Officer, Head of Resea...

Biology Trivia Returns!

What is cranial nerve number 7? What is a coprolite? What classic book written in 1962 by Rachel Carson warned of the dangers of DDT and launched the current environmental movement? What is the excretory organ of an earthworm?   The answers to these and other random questions were the subject of Tri-Beta's Biology Trivia Night this semester.  BAHS faculty, alumnus Blake Shoemaker, graduate students & undergraduates   gathered for pizza, prizes, and a good time. Trivia questions ranged from genetics and molecular biology to botany and taxonomy. Something for everyone! Bragging rights this semester go to the team of Jacob Morton, Blake Shoemaker, Katie Hawkins and Jessica Willis who narrowly edged the competition to claim victory. Thanks to all who came out to play Biology Trivia. Hope to see you next semester! 

What's Up in the Cell Biology Lab?

Cell Biology students proposed hypotheses and designed experiments to investigate factors that influence the rates of photosynthesis.  Shown below are students conducting their own experiments in the Cell Biology lab. Jonathan Perez, Sarah Bartra and Molly Crawford perform a floating leaf disk assay.

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania University Biologists

BAHS was well-represented at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania University Biologists (CPUB) at Indiana University of Pennsylvania on April 10 and 11, 2015.  The annual meeting is an opportunity for faculty and students from universities in the PA State System of Higher Education  to join for a day of research presentations and workshops. The keynote address "Circadian genes, rhythms, and the biology of mood disorders" was delivered by Dr. Colleen McClung from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Attending were BAHS students Linda Tucker Serniak , Jessica Willis , Alan Belles and faculty members Dr. Kevin Williams and Dr. William Coleman .  The following research projects were presented: Jessica Willis and William Coleman.  Investigation of the Colocalization of Synaptotagmin I and Synapsin I in the Mouse Neuromuscular Junction. Linda Tucker Serniak and Clay Corbin : The Effects of Japanese Knotweed on Avian Diversity...